Tammy’s Blog / Vlog

Be The One

It is so easy to disqualify ourselves from “being the one.” The one to go first, the one to take the leap, the one to raise our hand, the one to stop, the one to start, the one to lead and not follow the crowd, the one to choose the path less traveled. The exciting...

Be The One

That’s NOT My Thought

I don’t know if this happens to you or if it just happens to me, but random negative thoughts pop into my mind more often then I care to admit. The negative thoughts could be about myself, someone else or something else from the past, present or future. Negativity...

That's NOT My Thought

Discover Your WHY

Do you have a big dream or perhaps you call it a big audacious goal?  I do!  Mine is to lead MILLIONS to discover their WHY.  With the internet, I should change that to BILLIONS! Mark Twain said that the two most important days in your life are the day you were...

Pivoting to Peak – Listening to the Itch

For almost two decades I have led a national healthcare consulting firm.  Prior to that, I spent the same amount of time at a renowned healthcare system in the Midwest.  Suffice to say I cut my teeth on healthcare.  Funny when I tell anyone that I’m in healthcare,...

Are You Sleepwalking Through Your Life?

At a Women’s Conference I helped produce, one of our speakers said something that slapped me upside the head.  She said, “I was sleepwalking through life.”  BAM – mic drop! As someone whose dream is to lead millions to discover what they’re made for – their WHY –...