Do you have a big dream or perhaps you call it a big audacious goal?  I do!  Mine is to lead MILLIONS to discover their WHY.  With the internet, I should change that to BILLIONS!

Mark Twain said that the two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you discover why.

By WHY, I mean your purpose, your God-given destiny.  Whenever I share my goal with others, an audience of hundreds or one single passenger sitting next to me on a plane, I always get the same type of response.  For some reason, that response consistently starts with their age.  I think, “Oh, this person will have it all together and share their purpose with me.” But NOPE I hear, “I am 55 and I still do not know my purpose.” Or, I’ve even heard, “I am 75 years old and I am still trying to figure that out!”

For those who do not know your WHY, you are in good company. The subject of purpose has puzzled people for centuries. A Northwestern University philosophy professor wrote to 250 of the best-known philosophers, scientists, writers, and intellectuals across the world, asking them, “What is the meaning of life?” He then published their responses in a book.  Some offered their best guesses. Some admitted that they just made up a purpose for life. Others were honest enough to say they were clueless! Funny though, several asked him to write back and tell them what he discovered as the purpose of life.

USA Today conducted a poll asking people, “If you could ask God one question, what would it be?” By far, the number one answer was, “What is my purpose here?”

You may not be alone in your struggle to understand your purpose. But that is not an excuse to let another year or even another month go by without dedicating time to sit down and start being intentional about discovering your WHY.  So, grab a piece of paper – or open a new document on your computer. Either way start your page with I WAS MADE FOR MOREDISCOVERING MY PURPOSE and get to work.

For more techniques to help you discover your WHY, download my book,  “Untie Every kNOT – Discover What kNOTS are Causing You To Miss Out, Chicken Out or Be Counted Out.”  I dedicate an entire chapter to this subject!

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