I don’t know if this happens to you or if it just happens to me, but random negative thoughts pop into my mind more often then I care to admit. The negative thoughts could be about myself, someone else or something else from the past, present or future. Negativity has no rules or boundaries!

Regardless of the negative thought, I must consistently remind myself that just because it pops into “my head” does not mean it is MY THOUGHT! We are human and random uninvited thoughts will pop into our heads – but that doesn’t mean we have to own them or act upon them.

By owning, I mean we cannot dwell on them, chew on them, swallow them into our soul! NO! As fast as a negative thought pops into our heads, we must BLAST them OUT!

We may not always have control over negative thoughts popping in, but we have ALL THE POWER to blast them out! Sometimes to blast them out, I literally exhale (loudly) and sometimes even say out loud – THAT’S NOT MY THOUGHT. This is how we LET IT GO!

Listen, if an ugly spider dropped on your face, what would you do? Without a doubt you would swat it off as quickly as it landed and most likely scream “GET OFF OF ME!” The truth is a negative thought is so much more dangerous than a spider.

The next time a negative thought pops in your head – here are three easy steps to follow:

  1. Immediately recognize and say or think: That’s NOT my thought
  2. Do not allow yourself one second to dwell on it – or it will become your thought – quickly followed by your words or actions

If you haven’t had a chance to read my new book, Untie Every kNOT – Discover What kNOTS are Causing You to Miss Out, Chicken Out or Be Counted Out, check it out on Amazon – we hit the #1 Amazon Best Seller in 6 categories and Hot New Release in 8 categories.

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